Write a 500 word critical summary of the text which explicitly addresses the following questions
- How is sustainability defined in the text?
Sustainability is defined in the text as our response to the environmental crisis in both inter- and intra-generational spheres of society.The concept of sustainability needs everyone to buy into it yet this idea is flawed as and is can only be taken on by certain populations and through technology alone, isolating those that cannot afford to buy into the idea of sustainability and causing harm to communities through the intersection of sustainability and capitalism as the technologies brought in to help us to be sustainable are making the poor worse.
- What are the main characteristics or tendencies of Capitalism
Capitalism thrives on creating, then subsuming the other through a first for profit, businesses are aware of social and economical change growing and gaining capital by continuously making new technologies to replace the old so we are constantly buying into the new. - Define a 'crisis of Capitalism'. Offer an example.
The crisis of capitalism is 'the turning point in every systematic accumulation' (Hardt, M & Negri, A. Empire. Cambridge) at the peak of each crisis, varying in size and materilialization, a reinvention is made through technologies, policies and ideas to continue the cycle of capitalism. It appears to save us and our world but is only there to break past its limitations, we continue to buy into these 'green' ideas thinking we are doing good for our planet when we are actually making more capital for businesses.
- What solutions have been offered to the sustainability question?
Are these successful or realistic? - If not why are they flawed?
One solution to the question of sustainability is the production of BioFuel which is of high quality, acessible and affordable Bio-diesel for environmentally concerned consumers. A mass produced BioFuel Plant called BIOX in Canada which was placed in a very high low income population with a high rate of jobless, homeless people live. The idea is highly flawed as the plant was to be placed on a community green space across from residents houses and obviously had a huge negative impact on the community then furthered to increase negativity by causing damage to homes through tremors. Also the storing of huge quantities of highly flammable chemicals so close to residents violates health and safety regulations and is a constant source of noise, light and air polution.
- Is the concept of sustainability compatible with Capitalism?
The compatibility between sustainability and Captilism is flawed due to the fact that sustainability is a communal concept, as Capitalism only targets those indivuals who can afford to buy into sustainability through its continuous innovations in technology that only benefit the pockets of business and internal growth.
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